This page last changed on May 30, 2006 by eburke.
VASE Overview
The HyperModel development system is based on (for lack of a better available acronym) Visual Action Semantics Editing. What this means is that one starts with the runtime of an existing virtual machine (in this case the JVM), and then adds a visual interface that allows direct access to the semantic primitives of the runtime. In Java, these primitives are:
- Classes
- Methods
- Constructors
- Fields
Visual access to these primitives, while neccessary, is not sufficient for such a system to be useful. There must also be a reasonable set of visually controlled "gestures" that allow one to construct programming logic, as well as software mechanisms that allow for encapsulation and abstraction.
In VASE, the fundamental structure that supports the ability to create and manage the logic and interactive behavior of a hypermodel is a graph or net consisting of node objects that are connectable by line or arc objects. Furthermore, these graphs are nestable, in the sense that an arbitrarily complex graph can be contained in a single node or arc, and such containment can be of arbitrary depth.
(Current page is work in progress)